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Research Summary
My research interests are broadly in statistical applications in chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma), infectious diseases (dengue, Ebola, influenza, COVID-19), health disparities, social determinants of health, and in education. My methodological interests are in the intersection of statistical inference, mathematical modeling, and simulation studies for the prediction of health outcomes and for guiding the design of interventions and policies. 

See below for more information about current and past work!  
Research Themes
girl friends hands piled togethger_edite
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New visualisation of the Covid-19 virus_
Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health
Selected Publications:
  1. Silva B, Kamath S, Panicker C, Puranam S, Lewis C, Murillo AL, and Watts D. “Comparisons of resident and faculty screening for social determinants of health in an academic pediatric practice,” Rhode Island Medical Journal 104 (6), 33-37, 2021. [link]

  2. Morris DB, Gruppuso PA, McGee HA, Murillo AL, Grover A, and Adashi EY. “Diversity of the National Medical Student Body: Forty Years of Persistent Inequities.” New England Journal of Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine, 384(17), pp.1661-1668, DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsr2028487, 2021. [link]

  3. Cedillo YE, Murillo AL, Fernandez JR. “The association between allostatic load and anthropometric measurements among a multiethnic cohort of children.” Pediatric obesity, e12501-e12501, 2019. [link]

Statistical and Mathematical Models in Obesity, Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease
Selected Publications:​​
  1. Musial S, Abioye A, Murillo AL, Eskander J, Sykes O, Rodriguez L, Friedman JF, Bancroft B, Golova N. “Introducing Juice and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages in Early Infancy: Parental Knowledge and Intended Behaviors.” Clin Pediatr (Phila). DOI: 10.1177/0009922820961080. Epub ahead of print, 2020. [link]

  2. Bagheri M, Tiwari HK, Murillo AL, Al-Tobasei R, Arnett DK, Kind T, Barupal DK, Fan S, Fiehn O, O’Connell J, Montasser M, Aslibekyan S, and Irvin MR. “A lipidome-wide association study of the lipoprotein insulin resistance index.” Lipids in health and disease, 19(1), pp.1-14, 2020. [link]

  3. Murillo AL, Affuso O, Peterson CM, Li P, Wiener HW, Tekwe CD, and Allison DB. “Illustration of measurement error models for reducing biases in nutrition and obesity research using 2D body composition data.” Obesity (Silver Spring), 27 (3): p. 489-495, 2019. [link]

  4. Cedillo YE, Murillo AL, Fernandez JR. “The association between allostatic load and anthropometric measurements among a multiethnic cohort of children.” Pediatric obesity, e12501-e12501, 2019. [link]

  5. Murillo AL, Li J, and Castillo-Chavez C. “A dynamic model of glucose, insulin, and free fatty acids with time delay: the impact of bariatric surgery on type 2 diabetes mellitus,” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(5), p 5765-5787, 2019. [link]

  6. Safan M, Murillo AL, Wadhera D, and Castillo-Chavez C. “Modeling the diet dynamics of children: the roles of socialization and school environments.” Letters in Biomathematics, 1(5), p 275-306, 2018. [link]

  7. Murillo AL, Safan M, Castillo-Chavez C, Capaldi Phillips ED, and Wadhera D. “Modeling eating behaviors: the role of environment and food association learning via a ratatouille effect.” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13(4), p 841-855, 2016. [link]

Predictive Models in Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Selected Publications:
  1. Shakiba N, Edholm C, Emerenini B, Murillo AL, Peace A, Saucedo O, Wang X, and Allen LJS. “Effects of environmental variability on superspreading transmission events in stochastic epidemic models for MERS and Ebola.” Infectious Disease Modeling, DOI: 10.1016/j.idm.2021.03.001, 2021. [link]

  2. Ogbunugafor CB, Miller-Dickson MD, Meszaros VA, Gomez LM, Murillo, AL and Scarpino SV. “Variation in microparasite free-living survival and indirect transmission can modulate the intensity of emerging outbreaks.” Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-77048-4, 2020. [link]

  3. Almonte-Vega L, Colon-Vargas M, Luna-Jarrin L, Martinez J, Rodriguez-Rincon J, Patil R, Espinoza B, Thakur M, Murillo AL, Arriola L, Viswanathan A, and Mubayi A. “A cost-effective analysis of treatment strategies for the control of HSV-2 infections in the U.S.: a mathematical modeling-based case study.” Mathematical Biosciences, Mathematical Biosciences, 108347, 2020. [link]

  4. Bichara D, Holechek SA, Castro JV, Murillo AL, and Castillo-Chavez C. “On the dynamics of dengue disease 2 with residence times and vertical transmission.” Letters in Biomathematics, 3(1), p 140-160, 2016. [link]

  5. Murillo D, Holechek SA, Murillo AL, Sanchez F, and Castillo-Chavez C.  “Vertical transmission in a two-strain model of dengue fever.” Letters in Biomathematics, 1(2), p 249-271, 2014. [link]

  6. Vera DM, Hora RA, Murillo A, Wong JF, Torre AJ, Wang D, Boulay D, Hancock K, Katz JM, Ramos M, Loayza L, Quispe J, Reaves EJ, Bausch DG, Chowell G, and Montgomery JM. “Assessing the impact of public health interventions on the transmission of pandemic H1N1 influenza a virus aboard a Peruvian navy ship.” Influenza and other respiratory viruses, 8(3), p 353-359, 2014. [link]

I am grateful for support from the NSF LSAMP program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, NIH NIDDK/NHLBI T32 program, NHLBI PRIDE RISE program, and the American Institute of Mathematics Structured Quartet Research Ensembles (SQuaREs).

© 2021 by Anarina Murillo, Ph.D.

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